We can also use this site for information on our family history. I have loved that a lot of you have been asking about stories about our pioneer heritage. We have so many great ancestors with wonderful stories about their lives.
Erastus Bingham is my (Colleen), great, great, great grandfather coming through Norman Reeder's mothers side.
Erastus was the only one of his father's family who ever joined the church. In the spring of 1836 Erastus sold his farm and in June he started with his family for Kirtland, Ohio and remained there until September 1836, when they continued their journey to Far West Missouri.
Soon afterwards he rented a farm on Shoal Creek, about two and a half miles from Far West where he built a log house into which he moved his family.
Erastus farm cultivated until the fall of 1838 when the exterminating order of Governor Boggs was issued and he and the rest of his family had to leave the state in 1839. He was appointed a member of a committee at Far West to dispose of what furniture and other property the exiled Saints could not take with them.
In La Harpe Erastus rented farms in the neighborhood until the spring of 1845 when he bought a farm a few miles nearer Nauvoo where he resided during the summer. The next year when the saints were compelled to leave the state, Erastus sold his farm for a very small sum in order to get a team with which to depart with his family into the wilderness.
Erastus left Nauvoo May 6, 1848 and wintered amoung the Ponco Indians near Running Water, about 150 miles above Winter Quarters. In the spring of 1847 he went back as far as Winter Quarters and made trips to Missouri to buy provisions. In June 1847, he joined the general emigration and crossed the plains and mountains as a captain of ten in Ira Eldredge's fifty and Daniel Spencer's hundred, arriving in Salt Lake Valley September 19, 1847.
In the spring of 1851 Erastus located on a parcel of land northwest of Farr's Fort; this new location was afterwards called Bingham's Fort in his honor, but is now called Lynne.
Erastus was an honest, truthful, and temperate man who never indulged in profanity nor drank liquor or used tobacco either before or after he joined the church. He was also an industrious and cautious in his financial affairs.